Well, after many false starts, I am now officially 19,000 words in to writing a book about my life. I find it easy to write once I get started – what I need is a group of people who will agree to nag me to write when I think I haven’t got time.

I have set myself the goal of having my book published by November 2011, at the latest. I am currently writing the bit about where I was in Borstal – interesting – and a lot of memories have come flooding back, not all of them good ones!

I haven’t thought of a title for the book yet, so I’m looking for ideas. I will be spending some time over the upcoming festive season writing, as well as doing a bit of carousing and perhaps partaking of a few glasses of red wine too!

The plan is to update this blog once or twice a week – so please look out for the Tweets!