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 Someone asked me a few weeks ago what my strategy for inspiration is. It’s a difficult question to answer. I don’t often find inspiration purely within myself, so I’m fortunate that I belong to the human race – you never have to look very far these days to find someone inspiring. Take last night – at my Toastmasters club meeting. One of our newer members has so far been very quiet. Last night she got up at the beginning of the meeting and gave the Inspiration speech. It was short, personal, and inspiring, and she was roundly applauded back to her seat. The beam on her face for the rest of the evening said it all – she had inspired her audience and in turn had been inspired to continue in her self-development by our praise and appreciation.

Later on another member completed her tenth speech. This lady joined us over a year ago, and was very keen to deliver her first speech. However, after a period of reflection, she continued with the programme and last night she delivered her No. 10 speech and ‘Inspired Her Audience’. She also won the Best Speaker award voted for by everyone present.

People often ask me why I am still a member of Toastmasters International after over eight years. My answer – I get the opportunity to be inspired by people every week, and I have been told that I have inspired people too. So I guess that’s my strategy for inspiration – I spend time with people who are inspirational, whether that be in my leisure activities or in my work. I also try to read or listen to something inspirational every day. How do you get inspired?